Since 1991 Michelangelo has been expertly making custom made footwear products, including custom made Birkenstock sandals for our patients, Michelangelo's is pleased to announce that Custom Made Birkenstocks are now available to you, where ever you live.
Our business was established in 1954, and we pride ourselves on providing customers with high-quality products and personal service. Our office is conveniently located in Norridge, Illinois just minutes from O'Hare International Airport.
Custom Made Birkenstock sandal styles available: Arizona, Boston, Milano, Florida and Granada.
Custom Made Tatami sandal styles available: Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Alton.
Actually, we can make almost any type of Birkenstock call us to find out how you can get yours. Unlike the other guys who market custom made Birkenstock sandals, we have the ability to obtain any Birkenstock sandal, take it apart and reassemble it just for you! The other guys only make styles that are available as parts from BirkenstockUSA.
Please contact us to learn more on how you too can own a pair of Custom Made Birkenstocks. We recommend your casts be taken by a medical doctor, podiatrist, or a certified pedorthist. For a list of qualified professionals in your area, please contact us.
Providing good service means taking the time to listen. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you receive the services you need. Our business is client-oriented, and we maintain strict confidentiality.
We hope you'll find the information you need on this site about our company and the products and services we provide. We look forward to working with you.
Michelangelo's is an: AUTHORIZED BIRKENSTOCK REPAIR CENTER We can make your old Birkenstocks look like new again. We can heel you and save your sole. Repairs available on Birkenstocks: Heels, Soles, Lifts, New Foot Beds, Rockersoles, New Straps (whole or partial). You name it and I am sure we can do it. We can even do Golf Soles on Birkenstocks!
We are proud certificants of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics.
For questions, email Michelangelo at michelangelo@pedorthicsolutions.com
Order-Style Form
How to Cast
Foot Tracing
Narrow Footbed Sizing
Regular Footbed Sizing
Repair My Birkenstocks